Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
43% of breaches were in small businesses, and government data shows that 40% of businesses will not reopen after a disaster. Discover why BCDR is crucial to your business now, and why it does not need to be expensive.
Dont confuse Backup & Disaster Recovery with Business Continuity
Many organizations use and think about the terms business continuity and disaster recovery as synonymous. Disasters happen all the time, some are natural and many are man-made. Your business needs a strong and resilient Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) plan and solutions to support that plan. Whether you need to adjust to where and how people work or recover from a failed server to prevent business disruption, without a comprehensive BCDR solution – you risk loss of customers, revenue and potentially the loss of your business.
A disaster is not cheap. On the small side the estimated cost is greater than $20,000 and the average is around $5 Million. According to the 2019 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report showed that 43% of breaches were in small businesses, and government data shows that 40% of businesses will not reopen after a disaster.
Not all BCDR solutions are equal and not all organizations need the same solution. One size does not fit all. Learn how to leverage the various technologies and let us assist you in finding and implementing a right sized solution for your business today.